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"To be an EdNovator, spark your innovation with a creative mind and empower your teaching with an adaptive learning technology."—Boon Yih Mah, Ph.D., P.Tech., MCE

WeCWI Integrated Solutions or WeCWIIS, which is also known as 网知写教综合方案 in Chinese, is a web-based consulting startup focussing on providing solution-driven services. It is built upon the foundation of Web-based Cognitive Writing Instruction or WeCWI (网络认知写作教学 in Chinese), an award-winning hybrid e-framework for instructional design and language development invented by Assoc. Prof. Ts. Dr Mah Boon Yih. On 1 January 2020, WeCWIIS officially launched its comprehensive website, aptly named WeCWI Integrated Solutions: Design to Innovate, accessible at based on its motto—design thinking to innovate teaching. On 28 July 2023, WeCWIIS was registered as a sole proprietor with the Companies Commission of Malaysia (SSM) following the copyright registration and startup recognition by the Business Innovation and Technology Commercialization Centre (BITCOM), Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM). This initiative embodies the principles of technopreneurship, which effectively blends the realms of WeCWI with entrepreneurship, poised to commercialise the innovative research outcomes of Assoc. Prof. Ts. Dr Mah now serves as the founder and CEO of WeCWIIS.

WeCWIIS offers diverse services, including consulting services, professional courses, news advertising, membership subscriptions, and scholarly resources. The consulting services encompass skill development, editing, translation and proofreading, research consultations, collaboration and certification opportunities. Besides, the professional training courses encompass seminars, webinars, workshops, and personalised 1-to-1 coaching sessions, which prioritise language skills, postgraduate studies, and instructional design. For those seeking valuable, open-access scholarly resources, WeCWIIS provides an array of materials covering WeCWI, e-learning, language, innovation, Microsoft, and postgraduate topics. These resources are conveniently accessible through blog posts, research publications, YouTube channel, and Flipboard magazine. Furthermore, WeCWIIS features advertising options, including ad networks and advertising space, to promote academic-related news, events, or programs on the news channel, all available at an affordable monthly rate. Ultimately, freemium and upsell services such as guest post publishing and two membership subscription plans, namely WeCWIIS Pro and WeCWIIS Starter, come with a rewards programme through a points redemption system and affiliate programme.

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(Language Acquisition + Composition Studies + Cognitive Theories) E-learning = Language & Cognitive Developments

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WeCWI is a hybrid e-framework for the development of web-based instruction (WBI), which contributes towards instructional design and language development. WeCWI divides its contribution to instructional design into macro and micro perspectives. From a macro perspective, being a 21st-century educator is initiated by disseminating knowledge and sharing ideas with the in-class and global learners through instructional and technological discoveries. The micro perspective in instructional design draws attention to reading, discussion, and writing through pedagogical and theoretical discoveries. On the other hand, WeCWI’s contribution towards language development is divided into linguistic and non-linguistic perspectives. From the linguistic perspective, WeCWI focuses on literacy and language discoveries, while the cognitive and psychological discoveries are the hubs in the non-linguistic perspective. To bring a positive user experience to the learner, WeCWI aims to create an instructional tool with different interface designs besides integrating the fundamental theoretical-and-pedagogical principles to boost up the language and cognitive developments.



Assoc. Prof. Ts. Dr Mah Boon Yih, a Professional Technologist, Microsoft Certified Educator, Microsoft Educator Trainer (2022-2023), Microsoft Innovative Educator Master Trainer (2021-2022) and Microsoft Innovative Educator Expert (2021-2023), is an Associate Professor at the Academy of Language Studies, UiTM Penang Branch, Malaysia. He holds three degrees: PhD (E-learning), MA (Applied Linguistics), and BAEd (Hons) in ELS. As the outcome of his doctoral thesis, he has become the founder of Web-based Cognitive Writing Instruction (WeCWI), an award-winning hybrid e-framework for instructional design and language development, and WeCWI Integrated Solutions (WeCWIIS), a solution-driven web-based consulting startup at Assoc. Prof. Ts. Dr Mah is included in the Encyclopedia of Successful People in Malaysia (5th Edition), Who’s Who in Science and Engineering 2011-2012 & 2016-2017, Who’s Who in Asia 2012, 2000 Outstanding Intellectuals of the 21st Century (7th and 9th Editions), Top 100 Educators 2012, Dictionary of International Biography (36th-38th Editions), Who’s Who in the World 2013-2015, Top 100 Professionals 2015, Leading Educators of the World 2015, and 50 Fabulous Edutech Leaders 2019. In addition, he is also the winner of the World Education Congress Global Awards 2016: Education Leadership Award (for Excellence in Education, Leadership & Teaching), Rector’s Special Award 2017, Award for Excellence in eLearning 2019, The Top Best E-learning Award 2020, and Anugerah Pengajaran (Kelompok Sains Sosial dan Kemanusiaan) in UiTM AAU2020.




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Strategic Partners

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